Friday, August 14, 2009

Today is our dute date ~ But that means zip!!

We don't go by "due dates." What's the point?

It's perfectly normal for 80% of healthy babies to have anywhere from a 38-42 week gestation. According to one source. So I try not to obsess on the date.

Today my back went out. It has not done this during pregnancy, that I remember. At least not this close to the baby coming. I am not happy about it. Hopefully, I will be able to see the chiro tomorrow. Unfortunately, this is not the kind of owie that will go away without an adjustment.

There have been so very many absolutely difficult and horrid things happen during this pregnancy. The pregnancy itself has been very healthy, but the life circumstances have been hard. Rachael just said, "This pregnancy has been very hard on everyone." Well, then. And I thought it was only me. (No, I knew it had been hard on them, too, but there has been nothing I could do, besides cease to be human. And I tried that once. It didn't work. Any tips? I'd love some.)

Well, this first blog post is just to sort of get my blogging feet wet, so to speak. I have high hopes that we will actually update it and put photos on here, etc.

We have been slowly but surely getting ready for little Adam's arrival. He will be called "Mikey" by those family members who are more partial to that name. He may just end up being called, Buzz, Scooter, Buddy, or maybe even, naw, not Bubba. We are not *that* Texan.

There are a few things that need to be finished, namely some diaper covers for Jordan and I would really really like to finish the cushions for the rocker. I have to buy two or three birth kit items, too, and some electrolyte drinks for me for labor. I'd like to also make a cake and freeze it so we can have a birthday party. Rachael can always do that, though. She is indestructible. No, not that word. She is formidable. Not that either. She is, um, capable of doing anything at a moment's notice and of doing it well? Yes, that's it!

Now, for some pics:

Me, my bump, and I:

And, no, I hadn't yet combed my hair that day. I did do so shortly after this pic was taken, though. Here, I had been having some issues related to the baby coming, but I resisted, and they went away!

Here is little Jordan, 21 mos., in the bathtub, intently working on filling that red cup with water. Isn't he a jewel? We love him so much! And he loves water so much!


My volunteer tub cleaners! And, no reward except to get soaking wet!

David, almost 9; and Stephen, 7

My very big boy eating a very big burrito.

And, my little sweetie, just being sweet (and folding diapers in the background). He is our major helper!

Isn't he just so cool?

Here's Jordan being sweet again with Rachael's bitty baby doll. He wanted to do this so the boys accommodated him. Don't worry, he also wields guns and swords and enjoy killing his brothers.

Here are my tub setter-uppers. They don't exactly like posing. But you could guess that, huh?

David had been asking me for a few days to please take a picture with him. I finally did. The reason was because he had made a cardboard and duct tape picture frame and he wanted to give it to me. Or, maybe he wanted it for himself (it's on my desk).


I would put up more photos but these were the only ones on my memory card. I will try to get more family photos up before the baby comes. If I don't, then new baby pics will be here before you know it!



  1. WOW, you look the same except the baby bump of course! I love you and the kids are growing up so fast! They definitely are all related they all look so much alike! Thanks for updating this! My prayers are heading your way, God's arms are wrapping you up now! =]

  2. Yes, your babies all look alike. I sure hope you've kept those baby pictures separated! But I do love little Jordan's curly hair! Thanks for the link - I won't lose it this time!

  3. So glad to read you are going to the chiro...I really hoped that helped! You look great...LOVE putting your voice with a face, your family is beautiful!! Looking forward to updates and seeing little Adam arrive...
